🐕Combine (C)

Combine (C):

Combine transactions are used to merge tokens from multiple UTXOs into a single UTXO.

  • Type: D (Deploy)

  • Action: C

Example OP_RETURN Data:


Role of UTXOs:

  • Each UTXO represents a specific amount of tokens.

  • Multiple UTXOs are consumed from the sender's address to represent the combining of tokens.

  • A single new UTXO is created with the combined total of the consumed UTXOs, encoded with a value of 0.01 DOGE.

  • This simplifies the management of token amounts by consolidating multiple UTXOs into one.

  • Each UTXO is connected to the token name and amount, ensuring the integrity of the combined token amount.

Example Transaction Processing:

Combine Transaction

  1. Extract OP_RETURN Data: Decode the hex-encoded string to extract the token details.

  2. Validate Fields: Ensure the token field is present.

  3. Combine UTXOs: Merge multiple UTXOs into a single UTXO to simplify token amount management.

Last updated