🐕Split (S)

Split (S)

Split transactions are used to break down a UTXO DIPE amount into smaller amounts within the same wallet.

  • Type: D (Deploy)

  • Action: S

  • Fields:

  • splits: The amounts to be broken down from the original UTXO, separated by commas.

Example OP_RETURN Data:


Role of UTXOs:

  • Each UTXO represents a specific amount of tokens.

  • The sender's UTXO is consumed to represent the splitting of tokens.

  • Multiple new UTXOs are created for the sender address with the specified split amounts, each encoded with a value of 0.01 DOGE.

  • This allows for efficient management of token amounts by breaking down a larger UTXO into smaller, more manageable UTXOs.

  • Each UTXO is connected to the token name and amount, ensuring that the total amount being split equals the sum of the split amounts.

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